That website is advertised in a lot of places including on facebook. Have you tried looking into
Upwork? Sadly, upwork is no longer that great because when Elance.com was bought out by them (or whoever owns them), they started requiring both buyers and sellers to purchase what is called "credits" in order to both hire a developer and submit proposals for a job posted. Elance.com never charged developers to submit proposals, obtain work or even complete a project - only the employer was charged a fee.
Another thing about upwork and the fiveer that I've noticed, is that *a lot* of foreign freelancers seem to be on those sites. While I've worked with plenty of foreigners (specifically from Africa, China and India), what it seems like is that they have had to resort to that method of finding employment if they are living in the USA because the brick-and-mortar employers, especially, large corporations, are not giving them a chance to prove the skills that they have and thus they are not able to gain employment that is more secure than freelancing gigs. That's my suspicion anyway. I have both posted jobs as an employer and written proposals on Upwork, and I've never had much luck in either regard. I had huge success on Elance.com when it was in existence, but I believe things are going downhill on those websites in terms of finding reliable talent.