Boxing Ring (4 Viewers)



dan-cat said:
Public Announcement: "During this event jsanders will be taking care of flag waving duties whilst dan-cat will be taking care of opening the big can of whoop-ass. Oh, say, can you see..."
You're out of tune already :rolleyes:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Aug 20, 2001
Tess, well-spoken in every regard. I'm afraid it's not likely to work. When I got sick of all the bashing, I fought back; it got worse. Then I just shut up and the bashing merrily marshalled on without me. Now I do my best to participate in civil discussions and ignore all the b.s. But no matter what we do there will always be a small group of people who will inject their own rude and/or confrontational comments into any thread regardless of topic, and people who are simply incapable of polite debate.

Perhaps we could lobby the admins to grant each member the ability to edit threads they start. That way, if someone makes a political comment in your thread about favorite wines then you can just delete it.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Jun 2, 2002
What you need to do is put some gloves on and throw some unjustified insults around. It's quite therapeutic. ;) dance ... dance ... bobbing ... weave ... weave ...


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Aug 20, 2001
Eh, tried that too....once the novelty wore off, I realized I was behaving in a manner that I loathed.


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 17:28
Jun 2, 2005
Hey Kraj,
Do you think I’m rude or impolite? Cause I thought I was being nice all this time.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Aug 20, 2001
jsanders said:
Hey Kraj,
Do you think I’m rude or impolite? Cause I thought I was being nice all this time.
Rich said:
yeah, me too :confused:
I don't believe I pointed a figure at anyone, but I seriously doubt Tess's objection has anything to do with people regularly engaging in civil debate.


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 17:28
Jun 2, 2005
Originally Posted by jsanders
There’s no problem Rich,

We can turn this bickering into something useful and constructive.

Originally Posted by Rich

Well that's easily done,
1/ Throw Bush out of office
2/ Get rid of the gun ho military top knobs
3/ Bring social justice to the US
4/ Scrap your private health care system that rips everybody off
5/ Implement a fair and just education system that actually educates and doesn't just preach.
6/ Scrap the law that insists every Tom, Dick or Harry can own a gun
Just a few constructive thoughts, you see our aim here is just to try and pull our friends back from the edge of the precipice

What a load of crap.


Its one thing to have an opinion, It’s quite another to derail every thread to make it a personal billboard for your views.

Hasn’t anyone ever taught you that there is a time and place for everything?

That debating thread has potential, and you’re trying to ruin it as usual.

Start your own ranting thread, and put all your anti American views there.

And lastly if you are genuinely concerned (which I doubt) then you would never use your style of persuasion. Think about it.

If you don’t have anything to add to the Debate Thread, that’s actually about the process; then please refrain from making comments.

By the way.
Are you man enough to go back and edit those interruptions, to read deleted?
Unlikely, it's evident by your tone that you have a closed mind and are very proud of it. Why in hell would you want to do something to expand your thinking?
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Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 17:28
Jan 14, 2002
Hmmmm... where to put my post on morality and virginity....

Well, the Debate thread seems to regulated. After all, I don't want to debate just for the sake of debating. Seems like mental boxing to me... lol.

If I'm going to take time to express an opinion, it will be my own.

That being said, in another thread I mentioned that my daughter was 20 and a virgin. (But she doesn't want to be much longer) There were some inferences made by others that I would like clarified. They seemed to infer that one who waited for marriage were somehow of a higher moral fiber than those who did not, and that those who did not were somehow "promiscuous"

I'm thinking these views may have been misinterpreted. So, as a gentlewoman, I'm giving people an opportunity to express their opinions bluntly so that I have a really good idea of exactly what is being said.

I've my own opinion, my own past experiences, and my own responsibilities as a guiding, supportive mother, but I am saving them for when I can respond intelligently to the prevous posts. I'll not take immediate offense, just in case they are not saying what I may have pre-judged initially.

Therefore, previous posters, please clarify. :)


Rat Race Participant
Local time
Today, 16:28
May 6, 2003
TessB said:
There were some inferences made by others that I would like clarified. They seemed to infer that one who waited for marriage were somehow of a higher moral fiber than those who did not, and that those who did not were somehow "promiscuous"

If she's made it to 20 a virgin then that's fantastic. It shows she isn't going to sleep with someone just for the sake of doing it.

I think if someone is in a serious relationship with someone then that is one thing. If they are sleeping with someone different every week then that is something different. That, to me, is very promiscuous. And I'm saying that because I used to have a friend that was like that. I liked her very much and had fun hanging around with her but after her second abortion that I knew of, I couldn't take it any more. :(


Local time
Today, 22:28
Mar 22, 2004
It think it is good that we can all talk about his openly but I've always found people who publicise their own chastity to be exhibitionists. Not that that is wrong or anything but I fail to see what it has to do with morality.

I think it is important to release morality from the chains of religion once and for all. Religion is morality lite a vast majority of 'scriptures' are about control or sociopath rather than morality. For example do you:

a. consider sex before marriage and contraception to be sins because that's what you read in a book,

or b. consider unprotected sex with a two people who won't be able to provide a fulfilling relationship or economic backing to the potential offspring to be irresponsible?

How far are you willing to go with control? After procreation is not all of sexuality, what turns people on is very personal. Some people might get aroused from telling other people they can't be 'had'.


Registered User
Local time
Today, 17:28
Jun 9, 2004
TessB said:
Hmmmm... where to put my post on morality and virginity....

Well, the Debate thread seems to regulated. After all, I don't want to debate just for the sake of debating. Seems like mental boxing to me... lol.

If I'm going to take time to express an opinion, it will be my own.

That being said, in another thread I mentioned that my daughter was 20 and a virgin. (But she doesn't want to be much longer) There were some inferences made by others that I would like clarified. They seemed to infer that one who waited for marriage were somehow of a higher moral fiber than those who did not, and that those who did not were somehow "promiscuous"

I'm thinking these views may have been misinterpreted. So, as a gentlewoman, I'm giving people an opportunity to express their opinions bluntly so that I have a really good idea of exactly what is being said.

I've my own opinion, my own past experiences, and my own responsibilities as a guiding, supportive mother, but I am saving them for when I can respond intelligently to the prevous posts. I'll not take immediate offense, just in case they are not saying what I may have pre-judged initially.

Therefore, previous posters, please clarify. :)

I'm guessing this was in response to my comment in the other thread, so here goes...

I was merely implying that she may have, on her own moral scale of right and wrong, whatever the reason, felt like waiting was the right thing to do. In which case, our personal moral scales of right and wrong seem to be tilted in the same direction.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Aug 20, 2001
In my humble opinion, there is nothing instrinsically wrong with "promiscuity" or (most) any other sexual behavior. Sex is a part of life and a part of growing up. There is no intrinsic value to keeping your virginity until 17 or 20 or 30. Nor is there a 'better' or 'worse' number of people to have sex with.

What does matter is how healthy the activity is. You can be promiscuous and still have a healthy self-image and healthy outlook on sexual activity. I think the most important factors in sexual activity are: 1.) having an accurate knowledge of the potential consequences (emotional, physical, spiritual); 2.) having a healthy caution of the potential consequences (terror is no more healthy than throwing caution to the wind); 3.) and being able to cope with the consequences you experience.

It's about knowing yourself, what your needs are, and how well you're equipped to deal with potential consequences. It's not about what someone else says is acceptable.


Registered User
Local time
Today, 17:28
Jun 9, 2004
Kraj said:
In my humble opinion, there is nothing instrinsically wrong with "promiscuity" or (most) any other sexual behavior.

Some people, like myself, feel like there is something essential in our human nature that desires a monogamous relationship.

Kraj said:
Sex is a part of life and a part of growing up.

And placing it in a proper, healthy perspective. Both physically and emotionally ;)

Kraj said:
There is no intrinsic value to keeping your virginity until 17 or 20 or 30. Nor is there a 'better' or 'worse' number of people to have sex with.

Unless it makes you feel good about yourself to wait for a monogamous relationship.

Kraj said:
It's not about what someone else says is acceptable.

Sure it is, if they lead full, happy productive lives and you value their opinion...

IMHO2 :) :)

Edit: I'm don't mean to attack anybody's lifestyle. It's more of a defense and justification of my own. :) :)
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Aug 20, 2001
KenHigg said:
Some people, like myself, feel like there is something essential in our human nature that desires a monogamous relationship.
Yes, it's called fear. Fear of being hurt, fear of inadequacey, fear of being left for someone better, fear of not being socially accepted, fear of catching a disease, fear that the person doesn't really love you, fear of being used, etc. Let me pre-emptively clarify by saying these are not the only reasons people are monogomous. It's a simple preference for many. But I would argue the vast majority of people who desire to have only one partner and have that partner promise to only be with them and believe that's the only way a relationship can be healthy are -at the root- afraid of something.

KenHigg said:
And placing it in a proper, healthy perspective. Both physically and emotionally ;)
I once read, "If I could have just one bumper sticker, it would say, 'Violate Propriety'". Healthy is one thing, proper is another. Healthy is always positive, proper can be positive or negative. Proper is an outside influence and is often used in restrictive (which often translates into harmful) ways.

KenHigg said:
Unless it makes you feel good about yourself to wait for a monogamous relationship.
The instrinsic value there is not from waiting, it is from achieving your goal and/or following your beliefs. If you are waiting for marriage and do so successfully, there is no difference in how that makes you feel whether you're 20 or 30.

KenHigg said:
Sure it is, if they lead full, happy productive lives and you value their opinion...
That's part of knowing yourself: determining what you want and what your needs are. Listening to an opinion you value is part of that process. But if that opinion contradicts what you feel and believe, then it is more important to listen to yourself, not someone else.

KenHigg said:
Edit: I'm don't mean to attack anybody's livestyle. It's more of a defense and justification of my own. :) :)
I don't think you need to defend or justify your own. I'd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't believe a healthy, monogomous relationship is an acceptable lifestyle.

In support of Tess and her daughter, I've changed my sig to an appropriate quote from one of my favorite authors :)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Aug 20, 2001
Oh, and speaking of quotes from my favorite author, here's one Rich will like:

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."

And that was in the 1880s!

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