George W. Bush; A Name that will live in Infamy (1 Viewer)


4 strings are enough
Local time
Today, 14:44
Oct 15, 2002
Kraj said:
Don't you mean "warmongering seperatists"? ;) :D

Separatists? Good colonial friends - think twice before seceding from the Crown, Britain is a mighty power and we would bring the force of the Empire to bear on you.;)


Can still see y'all......
Local time
Today, 09:44
Aug 26, 2005
Kraj said:
Don't you mean "warmongering seperatists"? ;) :D

Nah!!! Those words are way to large for my vocabulary. You know I'm grammatically challenged.


Can still see y'all......
Local time
Today, 09:44
Aug 26, 2005
BarryMK said:
Separatists? Good colonial friends - think twice before seceding from the Crown, Britain is a mighty power and we would bring the force of the Empire to bear on you.;)

Hummm, hadn't we heard that before? :p :eek: :D


KenHigg said:
Fair enough... I too would like to discuss the issues but I doubt we'd get past the horses ass attitudes towards America in general that dominate these threads at times... :rolleyes:

Feeling sorry for yourself again ? :rolleyes: :p

Bart Fishermans

Give peace a chance.
Local time
Today, 23:44
Jun 13, 2006
Do you think it's a good idea if I start a new thread and call it :

Lets Stop George Bush before he Destroys the Whole Planet Earth.



Bart Fishermans said:
Do you think it's a good idea if I start a new thread and call it :

Lets Stop George Bush before he Destroys the Whole Planet Earth.


I'm afraid that unless he does something really evil, like have sex with a tart in the Whitehouse, he's there for the duration :rolleyes: :mad:

Bart Fishermans

Give peace a chance.
Local time
Today, 23:44
Jun 13, 2006
Rich said:
I'm afraid that unless he does something really evil, like have sex with a tart in the Whitehouse, he's there for the duration :rolleyes: :mad:
He's screw*d everyone in Iraq. Would that qualify for impeachment proceedings? :mad:
btw, How is Blair going these days? Give us some feedback because you get first hand news in the UK.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 14:44
Feb 22, 2002
Bart Fishermans said:
btw, How is Blair going these days? Give us some feedback because you get first hand news in the UK.
Blair had a nice day yesterday. Our Queen (God Bless Her) had her 80th birthday bash yesterday. Nice service in St Pauls, then a nice meal, then a good old "knees up":D Tony gave a speech - did a bit on the karaoke and then saw the footy on the telly. The Queen (God Bless Her) sang a few of the old numbers - "White Cliffs of Dover" and a few other wartime songs



Bart Fishermans said:
He's screw*d everyone in Iraq. Would that qualify for impeachment proceedings?
Nah, 'fraid not, he just spouts the usual "I'm making the world safer for Americans" diatribe and they fall for it, hook line and sinker:rolleyes:

btw, How is Blair going these days?

Still the big t*at he ever was, we all wish he was going:mad:

Bart Fishermans

Give peace a chance.
Local time
Today, 23:44
Jun 13, 2006
Rich said:
Nah, 'fraid not, he just spouts the usual "I'm making the world safer for Americans" diatribe and they fall for it, hook line and sinker:rolleyes:
Bush's propoganda is the same as Hitlers. The USA will only go down quicker with Bush lies unless the masses wake up in time.
Still the big t*at he ever was, we all wish he was going:mad:
If he did go then that would help end the Iraq war. Bush with no support from the UK would look like a bigger fool than he already is.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:44
May 9, 2005
Bart Fishermans said:
Do you think it's a good idea if I start a new thread and call it :

Lets Stop George Bush before he Destroys the Whole Planet Earth.


Yes, do that. That's what we need to do to stop this evil dictator because he's running the whole show here in the USA. No one else has any say so. As a matter of fact the whole world can't stop this evil man. He's out of control. He has absolute power that no one can stop his hand and a thread like yours just might do the trick. You would probably at least get the Demy's on your side. (oops only 6 out of them voted nay, guess you may have a little more work cut out for ya)

Then again. It may just start yet another thread that will allow a few to run their mouths/fingers, hiding behind a keyboard so they can be tough. Spouting off their endless opinions and sarcasm and when it's all said and done we've heard the same things that we have been hearing for however long now, just in a different version. Have fun.:D

Bart Fishermans

Give peace a chance.
Local time
Today, 23:44
Jun 13, 2006
ShaneMan said:
Yes, do that. That's what we need to do to stop this evil dictator because he's running the whole show here in the USA.
I've set up the new thread. Thanks.


ShaneMan said:

Yes, do that. That's what we need to do to stop this evil dictator because he's running the whole show here in the USA. No one else has any say so. As a matter of fact the whole world can't stop this evil man. He's out of control. He has absolute power that no one can stop his hand and a thread like yours just might do the trick. You would probably at least get the Demy's on your side. (oops only 6 out of them voted nay, guess you may have a little more work cut out for ya)

I notice from the link you posted that the excuse cited now for not pulling out the troops is that it's all part of America's war on terror, just curious, where's the next one? :confused: :rolleyes:
Just how gullible can Americans be? :rolleyes:
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