Huawei (1 Viewer)


Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 09:30
Feb 19, 2013
as previously said, you choose to join Facebook for the price of giving up your privacy. You don't (the government does) have a choice when you are talking about hardware used in the infrastructure.

Perhaps I'm being naive, I barely use google now and use other search engines for research, but maybe they are just as bad.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:30
May 22, 2010
Again the world thinks the same about US base apps. Why Facebook or others are allowed to be in the same situation and they are not under attack?

You didn't see the robot testifying in front of congress? Conservatives have been complaining for years, you must not watch FOX :LOL:

Hating Trump is way more important than large American multinational corporations stealing your data.


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 04:30
Feb 19, 2002
I watched some of these hearings on cSpan and it was even more disgusting than the Kavanaugh hearings because it affects ME personally. Kavanaugh was terrible in the precedent it set for assuming guilt without any actual proof. But allowing these CEOs to get away with filtering information is the death of our country as we know it. It's hard to believe the Democrats can be so stupid and self-serving. Just because the bias is to their benefit today doesn't mean these people won't turn on them in the future. If Congress will not act, Trump has to do something and he has to do it NOW!!!

I don't know if you ever watch Congressional hearings on cSpan but it will turn your stomach. Each member gets 5 minutes to question the person who is testifying and they alternate between Republican and Democrat members. Members sometimes coordinate their efforts by yielding their time to one person who then continues where he left off at his last turn to question. Typically, the Democrats will make speeches (which end up in the congressional record -which is the point) and either don't ask questions at all or when they do, the questions are so complex that you need a flow chart to follow the logic and to which the member always wants a yes or no answer which is of course next to impossible. They they complain that the time is "theirs" and they want it back! It is all for the cameras in the hopes of getting a soundbite on the evening news. In this particular session where the tech CEOs were questioned, the Democrats gave praise and asked softball questions and the Republicans were trying to get to the heart of the political bias issue to no avail. Maybe it's the hearings I end up watching but usually the Democrats are insufferable with their name calling and innuendo. The hearing with Barr was a good example of this. If you put me up there in his place, my response would have been, "I can't separate your verbal attack from your question. Please rephrase the question." Barr kept trying to answer questions but the Dems just wouldn't let him. Their questions were all rhetorical and they did not want to give Barr a second to defend himself.

I stopped using Google products years ago. DuckDuckGo is what I use for searching and I use Office for everything else. I don't use Facebook or Twitter at all. I did try to use Facebook a few years ago to help me track down an old friend but after a single post, I was banned. I could never get a human to tell me why. I could only communicate with bots who kept asking for pictures until I gave up.
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