Oh baby, baby... (1 Viewer)

Jesus christ! You can buy a nice car for that money. In some parts of the UK, you can buy a house for that.
It isn't like it's real money...it's all about how much credit they are willing to extend. Bretton Woods in full swing
First ride, I'd say she liked it...

She didn't mind the bugs in her teeth? :p
I posted this some actual video on FB...got trolled by some Jill-ass about riding attire. Good lord, just cant do anything anymore without somebody trying to screw it up...
Thanks Doc, I get it now. Rednecks are always portrayed in films as aggressive, violent and of limited intelligence. Is that true? If not - why portray them that way?


Aggressive? Not always. Violent? Not always. For these two, let's say "a laissez faire attitude but volatile under pressure or incitement."

As to "limited intelligence" that is not predictable. But you CAN say they are more often possessed of common sense than advanced learning.

Rednecks, despite many jokes and poor movie images, tend to have strong family ties. The caricature version of rednecks in films (e.g. Deliverance, Smokey and the Bandit) are indeed somewhat Neanderthalish - but a lot of my aunts and uncles were indeed hard-working rednecks who strongly supported family and community. They had a LOT of practical farming experience and a lot of life experience.

EDIT: Forgot the "WHY" question. Film studios like to make their villains appear deficient in some way so that nobody cries when they get clobbered. So they are portrayed in an unsympathetic manner to forestall someone in the audience taking pity and saying, "Aw, it was a shame about Bubba getting his head ripped off by that wood chipper."
I felt like Custer: "Holy Shit, look at all these Indians!"

There were 70 riders, of those 2 were Harley's, one Honda
Shadow, Suzuki Boulevard and a Kawasaki Vulcan. We did the Skyline Ride and it was everything it was cracked up to be. I'm ready for a beer and a hot shower...
Here is the route we took:


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