Print Preview and Print to Paper and Print to PDF all changing my Report totals

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Today, 05:31
Apr 25, 2019
I have a Summary Report in Access 2019, running on a high-powered PC with Windows 10 Pro and all updates.

It is based on a Summary Query, which in turn, is based on a “Base” Query.

The report runs fast and fine as a regular report, but when I change to Print Preview, or try to print on paper, or to a pdf printer, the Numbers on the report change and come out very wrong.

I have tried recreating the report fields and been troubleshooting it for hours and can not figure out what is happening to make this occur.

The file is a split DB with a Front End and Back End.

Is there anyone who would be willing to take a look at this and see if they can offer any suggestions?

I can email or post the files. They are roughly 24Meg total in the two files.

Zip file included.


  • Print Preview View.jpg
    Print Preview View.jpg
    48.4 KB · Views: 151
  • Report View.jpg
    Report View.jpg
    72.6 KB · Views: 163
    3.7 MB · Views: 160
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Suggest you make a copy of files and reduce size by eliminating objects not involved in issue and leaving only a few records to test with.

2MB zip file can be attached to post. Use Windows Compression.
Suggest you make a copy of files and reduce size by eliminating objects not involved in issue and leaving only a few records to test with.

2MB zip file can be attached to post. Use Windows Compression.
Hi, I have compressed the BE and FE into one .rar file, then change the name to .zip and attached it here. You can reverse that if you would like to review them.


Just changing the file extension doesn't make it a zip folder. I cannot open it. I cannot open rar file.
i suggest you do the "calculation" on the query itself.
and your "total" query can be further "trimmed" by removing unnecessary
thanks for the reply. Do you mean make a third query with sums based on the 2nd query (totals)? I tried that and it did not seem to work. Would you be willing to show me what you are suggesting? I can definitely strip out the queries of unneeded fields but I cant imagine that would cause the Print Preview to not work. I would be willing to pay for some help if that is appropriate. Thanks again! Jm
Why does report open trigger an input prompt for a Date?
I get both popup prompts. I just Enter past them. I get same data in ReportView, PrintView and PDF. However, the textbox backcolor is messed up under DepartmentName.

Discovered a missing library reference for Outlook. I removed it and the prompts no longer appear.

Domain aggregate functions can cause slow performance on forms and reports and in queries, especially with large dataset. This may be part of your issue.
Use of multiple similar name fields indicates a non-normalized data structure and you have a lot of that.

The link between Line Items and Items Master List does not involve primary key field - why?
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Can you please re-download the file. I attached a new version to the original questions posted as well as here directly to you reply. Thanks!


Okay, now I see the different calcs (probably in previous version and I just missed). There is a definite lag in displaying data when switching between PrintPreview and ReportVIew. Removing the domain aggregate calcs doesn't change this so the issue is definitely with other calcs. Will look at more tonight.
Okay, now I see the different calcs (probably in previous version and I just missed). There is a definite lag in displaying data when switching between PrintPreview and ReportVIew. Removing the domain aggregate calcs doesn't change this so the issue is definitely with other calcs. Will look at more tonight.
Thank you for your help. I'm pretty good at Access but this one has me stumped. Thanks again.
I get both popup prompts. I just Enter past them. I get same data in ReportView, PrintView and PDF. However, the textbox backcolor is messed up under DepartmentName.

Discovered a missing library reference for Outlook. I removed it and the prompts no longer appear.

Domain aggregate functions can cause slow performance on forms and reports and in queries, especially with large dataset. This may be part of your issue.
Use of multiple similar name fields indicates a non-normalized data structure and you have a lot of that.

The link between Line Items and Items Master List does not involve primary key field - why?
Hi, the link between line items and the Master items list is based on a calculated field in both tables. That is necessary because the code in that field is generated in the line items table during a user input on a form, which I have stripped out of the DB for troubleshooting purposes for you. That is not a changeable option. It works perfectly in all other respects oh, so I would expect that is not the cause of the problem here. Most of this DB was designed ten years ago, when I was just learning, and that is why there are many similar field names and lack of normalization. Again it appears that that is not part of this issue. However, if you determine that that is part of this issue, then at least I will have a solution, and be able to implement it. Thank you very much for your trouble on this, I appreciate your efforts. Enjoy your weekend.
Why would ReportView show 6 records and PrintPreview only 1? Textboxes in report footer pull values from RunningSum textboxes located in group footer. In PrintPreview (and to PDF/print) pulls the beginning values (first row), ReportView pulls the ending values (last row). Possibly your only solution is to build a query that aggregates data to the 6 records that the report grouping provides. I think that is what arnelgp was suggesting.

IML_All_Categories_Description displays in Totals query as oriental characters. Grouping on memo fields doesn't really work.

Need to set CatCode textbox BackStyle to transparent.

Do you know that command buttons cannot work for report in PrintPreview?
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To June7, The regular report view shows 6 line items and a summary. the report preview shows the same, but the WRONG values. Are you not seeing this same issue? Changing the background of the CatCode textbox does nothing to help this issue. The report groups on two fields, neither of which is a memo field so Im not sure why you mention that. I have tried creating a query that aggregates data further, but have been unable to do accomplish this. I want to pay someone to show me how to do that. Can you? Or anyone else reading this?

I do not need command buttons to work in print preview mode at all.

Again, are you able to show me what you are suggesting would solve my problem?

i suggest you do the "calculation" on the query itself.
and your "total" query can be further "trimmed" by removing unnecessary
View attachment 101361
Hi, No one seems to be able to help with this issue. would you be willing to create the new query that would accomplish my goal and post it here? Thank you!


To June7, The regular report view shows 6 line items and a summary. the report preview shows the same, but the WRONG values. Are you not seeing this same issue? Changing the background of the CatCode textbox does nothing to help this issue. The report groups on two fields, neither of which is a memo field so Im not sure why you mention that. I have tried creating a query that aggregates data further, but have been unable to do accomplish this. I want to pay someone to show me how to do that. Can you? Or anyone else reading this?

I do not need command buttons to work in print preview mode at all.

Again, are you able to show me what you are suggesting would solve my problem?



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