Rugby Word CUp 2007, who's excited....

Gutted, very disappointed. Have to say New Zealand must hold the world chocking award. Just can't believe that after the year that we have had, that we go down to the frogs.
But we have been here before. We'll be back.

Go Argentina!

Is it really true that this caused an economic depression last time it happened?
I dunno about an economic one...but there's a black depression eating at me right now :(

Before the cup started I was concerned about the french...but I got lulled into a false sense of confidence by the pool matches. Congratz to the Poms and the French.

Once again the AB's have offered the best of rugby and the worst of rugby. *sigh*
Yea, Dan, that could happen. We take our Rugby very seriously here mate. The autopsy of the game will go on for weeks. People will spend hours talking about it, trying to make sense of where it went wrong etc. And depressed people don't work as hard as happy people.
So, a downturn, yea I can see it.
We feel cursed, once again this year we had a great build up, we won the tri-nation cup. The Bledisloe Cup and smashed all European teams that tried to stand up to us. We had one of the best All Black teams ever. And yet we could not make the finals of the World Cup, AGAIN.
Vive la France! :D


C'est la vie


Who would have thought a bunch of broken down old war horses and an out of date game style could make it to the final.
Now I know how the English felt going down to Portugal in the football world cup.

Just wish I was the man with the radon $20 "Pick Six" from the betting office with that last few results.

Who would have thought....
Who would have thought a bunch of broken down old war horses and an out of date game style could make it to the final.
Yes but South Africa were fairly much in control though. The Argies never really threatened them.

Well, at least Bernard Laporte won't be hoisting the cup. :) Never thought I'd see the day when I cheer for SA in the world cup final. ;)
Who would have thought a bunch of broken down old war horses and an out of date game style could make it to the final.

Sounds like sour grapes to me.:p:cool:
PS is it true that a lot of the teams kicked out are still stuck in Paris because their tickets home have the wrong dates on them leaving France?:confused:
I will watch the game, don't really care who wins. Just happy it an't the Aussies.

Now that's a bit harsh isn't it cous??

We both failed miserably, but I don't think anybody really thought the Wallabies would win this

Can't stand the thought of the Poms winning though (just give it to Jonny & he will kick us a win) Booring as all hell!!

Speaking of booring, has anybody noticed ANY innovative back play? I sure haven't noticed any
Now that's a bit harsh isn't it cous??

Speaking of booring, has anybody noticed ANY innovative back play? I sure haven't noticed any

I always thought rugby was supposed to be boring, just a pile of men having a love in most of the time.

Well that's odd, how did they manage to beat you yet again?:confused::rolleyes:

Beacause we have a front row row that seems to think that falling down in every scrum will win a game!!! - I never thought we were good enough to win the cup, but thought we should have been good enough to beat England

As they say - Read the results in the papers!!!
I always thought rugby was supposed to be boring, just a pile of men having a love in most of the time.

In general northern rugby is a bit slow and a bit boring. Grind it up the middle, force an error, get a penalty, kick the goal, get the points and do it all again. Southern rugby, with the pacific island influence is fast, bloody fast. They seem to want to spin it wide and quick, run the other team off their feet, give 'em no time to rest.

In a few short months the Super 14 is starting up, going to be a great year.

Well done the yarpies, see, having a government department pick your team worked out well in the end :D
Southern rugby, with the pacific island influence is fast, bloody fast. They seem to want to spin it wide and quick, run the other team off their feet, give 'em no time to rest.

Won't the anti-depressants slow 'em down a bit :confused: ;)
I always thought that its the taking part ..???

Won't the anti-depressants slow 'em down a bit

No chance, we are over it. One of the underpinning mantra of New Zealand is...

"Forget about the last one, get yourself another."

So this little island of 4mil will set about trying to beat the planet again.
Go the AB's ;)
In a few short months the Super 14 is starting up, going to be a great year.

It would be even better if some of the Aus/NZ/SA provinces got dumped and Samoa / Tonga / Fiji were included.

The perpetual 'big 8' keeping things amoungst themselves has got to stop

If nothing else, this world cup has shown that Wales, Ireland & Scotland and probably on the past 3 years form you could add Australia to that, do not measure up any more as top ranked teams

Argentina and the Pacific Islands must get regular, competitive tornaments to play, not just once every 4 years

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