Site changed to secure


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:40
Sep 28, 1999
We have switched from http to https protocol today. This increases the level of security for site users.

The downside is we do not know what impact this will have on levels of traffic to this site. There are many technical reasons for this, but for those into SEO, its regarding a 301 redirect from http to https, where some of the inbound link juice gets diluted. We hope it will be ok.

There may be an issue with embedded images or some other things we missed, so please let us know if you encounter any changes.
I'm using IE11 on Win10.
I'm redirected to the https site OK, but unless I tick the show all content button here

What I see is


and none of the text fortmatting/quote/code etc buttons work, nor the carriage return....

....for a new paragraph.

Perhaps there is a setting I need to use in IE11? Although I'm experiencing the same problem with Chrome and Firefox.


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Ditto on chrome here on Win 10.
Ok guys, thanks for the feedback. Let me get on this for you.
Everything looking ok here in Chrome.
I also see the wonky-ness CJ showed if following the link from an email notification to the https page. Everything looks great if I follow my old bookmarks to the http page (Chrome and FF).
It does look fine if your links / bookmarks are to the http:// site and not https:// site.

I'm on https... ;)

Edit: I did notice something interesting though. If I click to go back to home, it seems to take me back to http.
Anyone here know much about htaccess RewriteRule statements? I am a bit over my head!
I just tried to upload a zip file so that I could ask a question and received this message twice.

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
what do I need to do?
Lots to change here. Made a bit of progress!

This is a heavily edited vbulletin forum, so its going to take some time to get it all back to normal. I got some of the CSS working now, so at least it looks better.
It's working a lot better already now. The Quick Links drop downs don't appear to currently be functioning, but the rest of it at least is displaying correctly.
just to report,web page now looks 'normal' but the editing buttons/code tags still do not work - in fact, I can't get them to work at all, even with clicking on the 'show all content button'
One positive...for us, not you: with https the banner ad at the top of the thread doesn't display (Chrome). :p

Testing edit under https

test return
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Since this change went live, I have been unable to upload files, and the website is sometimes replacing line feeds with an HTML non-printing space code.

I also cannot usually highlight anything on my Windows 7 machine now, although I can on my Windows 10 PC at home.

I use IE11 at work (*grumble*) and Chrome at home.
I've updated some lines of code relating to scripts. Let me know if you can upload anything now?

Edit: test
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I've updated some lines of code relating to scripts. Let me know if you can upload anything now?

Yep, the manage attachments button is back and appears to be working fine.


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