Some people... (1 Viewer)

Adam Caramon

Registered User
Local time
Today, 05:35
Jan 23, 2008
Every now and again someone comes along and does something or says something that is so awful that you just have to shake your head in disbelief. This is a classic case:

If I had a list of the top 5 things wrong with America, he and those that consider themselves followers of him would definitely be on it.
So what are your top 5 things wrong with America?

Some people take a long time to grow up, some never manage it, the same seems to apply to countries.

Every now and again someone comes along and does something or says something that is so awful that you just have to shake your head in disbelief. This is a classic case:

If I had a list of the top 5 things wrong with America, he and those that consider themselves followers of him would definitely be on it.
A good point. I am sure that the best way to correct faults is to first recognise that they exist.
Actually thinking about it. Americans will never admit or accept that there is anything wrong with the USA - so I don't hold out much hope for any sensible answer here.

Actually thinking about it. Americans will never admit or accept that there is anything wrong with the USA - so I don't hold out much hope for any sensible answer here.


Now that's just plain not true.
Isn't that the same in every country?

If I say somthing negative about my country it's fine.

If someone from another country says somthing negative about my country, those are fighting words.
Actually thinking about it. Americans will never admit or accept that there is anything wrong with the USA - so I don't hold out much hope for any sensible answer here.

Do you actually believe that?
Do you actually believe that?
Impossible to tell with Col. He does enjoy winding up people especially when they rise to the bait. I suspect in real life he enjoys a nice days fishing:)
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Every now and again someone comes along and does something or says something that is so awful that you just have to shake your head in disbelief. This is a classic case:

If I had a list of the top 5 things wrong with America, he and those that consider themselves followers of him would definitely be on it.

Seems to me he has a point. Not that I believe what he's saying, but it stands to reason, if you are a religious freak and you see people playing around with voodoo and their country gets "smote", what else are you going to think? It's not that he's tactless, it's just that he's stuck in a time warp back in the dark ages.
Isn't that the same in every country?

If I say somthing negative about my country it's fine.

If someone from another country says somthing negative about my country, those are fighting words.

Not so...

I know my country has gone to the dogs, and if anybody from outside my country says it I would agree with them..
He does not have a point. Most of Haiti is catholic and not practising voodoo. Even if they were voodoo ceremonies it has NO connection to devil worship as most christian faiths would define it, only the uninformed or ignorant would bent the truth to those ends. Sort of the same way some ignorant people condemn 'alternative healing' methods as witch doctoring or whacko medicine.

Seems to me he has a point. Not that I believe what he's saying, but it stands to reason, if you are a religious freak and you see people playing around with voodoo and their country gets "smote", what else are you going to think? It's not that he's tactless, it's just that he's stuck in a time warp back in the dark ages.
Not so...

I know my country has gone to the dogs, and if anybody from outside my country says it I would agree with them..
You're just being d*mned unpatrotic:eek:. How dare you insult our glorious country. You cad, sir:D
At the same time, why should the entire country have to answer for what this one idiot says. We have people like him holding signs spouting damnation on South Beach in Miami. We ignore them. I'll do the same with this heartless ass.
At the same time, why should the entire country have to answer for what this one idiot says. We have people like him holding signs spouting damnation on South Beach in Miami. We ignore them. I'll do the same with this heartless ass.

What are you talking about?
Well it's simple, the US is full of cranks, just don't let one of them rise to the Presidency again

We didn't. :D

I'd like to apologize for 2002-2008 as well. Sorry about that. :D

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