Weekly Digest - new feature (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 03:53
Sep 28, 1999
I have installed an add-on that sends an email once a week listing the top 7 threads on this forum. If you do not wish to receive this email, please go to here on your own profile:


Alternatively, just click Unsubscribe when you get your first edition!

Any questions?
As you asked for questions...
Top 7 this week or all time? Why 7?
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I did, and thank you for participating. Top 7 by I think it is view count for the previous 7 days. Why 7? I had to choose an amount. Not too many, not too much.
Question: How do you decide "top" ? Is it number of replies? Number of "likes"? Something else?
They take the most number of views. It is all automated.

Just to add, the digest gets sent out on Saturday morning, I believe.
Just received the Weekly Digest. For some reason, the top 2 entries are duds. Let's see if they appear next week too. If so, I will look into it.
I'm subscribed which I think was the default but no email received as yet. Perhaps they will be staggered over several hours?
To be honest, I have no idea how it works. The addon notes just say that the emails get sent out on a Saturday.
I can confirm that I have not received one either.?
Oh dear, looks like I've got more troubleshooting to do. Nothings simple!

It could be something to do with SPF and DKIM settings which are about authenticating the source of the emails. I changed the DNS settings recently and I wonder if this has had an impact. I receive the email myself, but that doesn't really mean anything. I will add it to the list.
Wouldn't it use the same settings as for the thread emails.?
I get those no problem.?
I'm not sure without looking at it. It uses a third-party addon while the thread emails uses the forum software.
Did anyone get the weekly digest today?

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