What advice would you give your teenage self


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 02:30
Aug 10, 2006
Imagine you could go back in time and give yourself that one piece of advice that will help you through your life, what would it be?

For me it would be "don't follow the money, follow the calm"

Oh, and "don't let go of the paint brush"
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Do your freaking homework for a change. You're going to need a scholarship after all.
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Learn to ride unicycles, singing and yoga.
Don't let bullies define your approach to others. Most of your fellow students are indifferent to you, not hostile. Indifference is tolerable.

Watch the sugary cereals. Moderation is a good thing.

Watch the greasy foods. Moderation is a REALLY good thing.
Do your homework, ask teachers questions when you can't figure it out. Ignore girls until you are 25 and have a steady job.
I'm quite certain that if I could go back and tell my teenage self something, my teenage self would not listen.
MarkK, I would be able to convince myself easily because I would remember the secret crushes and other ideas that self would have had.
... but we can't elect them as president until they are 35!
Don't trust politicians in general, no matter what their age.
For christ's sake don't get married.

You can end up being a full time carer, your only life will be ruined and totally destroyed and the only joyous light on the horizon is death.

I realise that these sorts of letters are generally written to a much younger self but that would imply that I'm so much wiser now and, frankly, I still don't know my arse from my elbow.

Guess I might tell myself: There’s a law that every mistake you make leads to some kind of learning and becoming stronger. Change your name to Atlas.

Also: Never mention poison to someone on whom you have a crush. NO EXCEPTIONS. ('nuff said)

Spoiler Alert: Its OK to disturb your universe. Shove someone! Throw a rock at a house! No progress was ever forged by passivity. Cut down an ugly tree!

Finally, in retrospect you should realize, I spent half my money on alcohol and wild women, the other half I totally wasted.

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