In context, a lot of the ID games were trend-setters when they first came out. Even Wolfenstein was awesome in its day. Doom was great. Quake was good. From other software houses, Unreal and Half-Life were good. I've played some awesome games. Right now I'm working my way through something that is better than any of them, though, and in a different way.
Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls III is an FPS/3PS in style, hack-and-zap (sword and sorcery) in genre, but it actually has a wide-open plot with some serious mysteries and a long, sequential, multi-step quest in a huge world. Better than some of the older D&D computer games in that it is more literate and has greater freedom of movement, freedom of choice, and optional side-quests.
Doom, Unreal, Half-life? Great games but no serious plot. Hunt and shoot. Frag the little critters. With Morrowind, you get to frag rats and some wierd beasties, plus if you get to the northern island, you get wolves and bears. But it makes you think! The fighting challenge is there, but the brain challenge is better.
Worst game? Freedom Force. Gets nowhere fast. Too easy to die, too hard even on EASY settings to just flat out screw up. Past a certain point, it is a matter of "Who cares?" I liked Myst and its follow-ons but the copy-cats weren't good at all. Like Physicus, for example. And Rhem is another that comes to mind.
In that dreaded category of games you love to hate/hate to love? Sim City 2, 3, or 4.