Gun laws do they work (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:11
Aug 28, 2008
There seems to be alot of references to "if someone breaks into my house......etc". Would it not be better to invest in some superior locks for the doors and windows rather than eating a meal with a gun next to the salt just waiting for a burglar to break in?


No and because you should not need locks etc.

Personally, one of my great disappointments in life is no one has attempted to enter my place unauthorised. The neighbours have had break ins. Of course it is very obvious at my place that it is heavily armed.

I leave the house open and windows up. I have no need for locks. Roo skins pegged on the fence also seem to send a message........go next door:D


Legend in my own mind
Local time
Yesterday, 20:11
Oct 31, 2006
We used to be able to leave the keys in the car, the tractors in the field and the house unlocked... as 'civilization' moves closer to the rural areas people seem to feel they have the liberty to take or use what does not belong to them.
We have seen and approached people casually wandering around the fields, messing around with equipment, tresspassing, camping, hunting and fishing on our properties. They are informed once that they are not authorized to be where they are doing what they are doing and I will indicate to them the PRIVATE PROPERTY signes they may or may not have seen. And they are politely asked to immediately leave or they will be removed from the property.
It will not cost them their life if they mess with any material things out on the properties, however, if they are inside the compound and we decide that our lives are in peril then it will cost them not us.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:11
Jun 2, 2002
Personally, one of my great disappointments in life is no one has attempted to enter my place unauthorised.

The fact you fantasize about killing your fellow man should prevent any sensible individual from visiting you, authorized or not.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:11
Jun 2, 2002
It will not cost them their life if they mess with any material things out on the properties, however, if they are inside the compound and we decide that our lives are in peril then it will cost them not us.

The tone of impending anarchy in your post is quite depressing. Again don't reckon for visits from the likes of me if I have to go through a "compound" to get there. Too much potential for a mistake from someone already half convinced I'm a viable target.


Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Jun 9, 2009
No and because you should not need locks etc.

Personally, one of my great disappointments in life is no one has attempted to enter my place unauthorised. The neighbours have had break ins. Of course it is very obvious at my place that it is heavily armed.

I leave the house open and windows up. I have no need for locks. Roo skins pegged on the fence also seem to send a message........go next door:D

Well said!


Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Jun 9, 2009
The fact you fantasize about killing your fellow man should prevent any sensible individual from visiting you, authorized or not.

Any sensible individual would in fact ask for permission before going on anybodys property.


Local time
Yesterday, 20:11
Jan 12, 2001
Drives the girlfriend crazy that I will leave the doors to the house unlocked and the windows wide open all night and not worry about it at all.
To quote from the movie Forrest Gump, "Stupid is, as stupid does." If you want to risk it, it is your life and your stuff. If you don't want to take simple precautions, then you will have a greater risk of being one of the people who get victimized and then says, "I wish I had done this instead."

Taking security steps is not being paranoid. There have always been criminals and there always will be. How you choose to deal with that is a personal decision only you can make. I see news articles almost every day where someone has been victimized by criminals and, in many of them, the article goes on to say that the bad guys entered through an unlocked back door, or an open window.

Anyway, I know each person has to make the decision as to what they will do and how they will live. As for me, I choose to attempt to not become a victim.



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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:11
Jun 2, 2002
Any sensible individual would in fact ask for permission before going on anybodys property.

If someone wants to call round and ask for a cup of sugar, they're still quite welcome. They don't have to ask for permission first and they don't have to negotiate a compound. I can be cynical at the best of times but not to the extent of paranoia.

I guess you don't have Christmas Carolers in your parts. Shame.


Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Jun 9, 2009
Your right as too many have been muged going out caroling


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Dec 26, 2002
Personally, one of my great disappointments in life is no one has attempted to enter my place unauthorised.

This statement is actually disturbing to me. Why would anyone actually be disappointed for not having the opportunity to shoot someone? I would personally hate to have to harm someone to defend myself and would never want the opportunity to do so. I would much rather live in peace, be protected if I needed to be, but hope I never need to be.

I'm sure most cops feel this way as well, even if they carry a weapon. I would hate to EVER hear a cop say something like "I'm disappointed I never had to shoot someone in my career." That's just scary.


Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Jun 9, 2009
I would rather live in peace.
So would I, but too many people out there won't let me. Why would you have sympathy for anybody that wants to hurt you our steal your stuff? Don't they deserve to die?

John Big Booty

Local time
Today, 13:11
Aug 29, 2005
I would rather live in peace.
So would I, but too many people out there won't let me. Why would you have sympathy for anybody that wants to hurt you our steal your stuff? Don't they deserve to die?

Not a very Christian attitude in light of;

Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Dec 26, 2002
I would rather live in peace.
So would I, but too many people out there won't let me. Why would you have sympathy for anybody that wants to hurt you our steal your stuff? Don't they deserve to die?

Going back to my point. He didn't say he was thankful for living in peace, he said he was disappointed he wasn't. There's a large difference between protecting yourself when the need arises and wanting to need to.

Gen 9:6Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

Don't Christians use the argument that the old testament is null and void? I don't see too many people stoning their wives to death for not being virgins on their wedding night.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Dec 26, 2002
And Jesus said something about turning the other cheek. I don't know, I'm no expert on Christianity and it has been years since I read the Bible, which I did from beginning to end, but that's the way I remember it. The New Testament negates the laws of the old testament and the old testament is there for historical reference only.

John Big Booty

Local time
Today, 13:11
Aug 29, 2005
Gen 9:6Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

Thus neatly illustrating that region is not a force for tolerance and good but one for viscous vengeance.


Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Jun 9, 2009
And Jesus said something about turning the other cheek. I don't know, I'm no expert on Christianity and it has been years since I read the Bible, which I did from beginning to end, but that's the way I remember it. The New Testament negates the laws of the old testament and the old testament is there for historical reference only.

Good pick up Vassago old buddy. You are basically right. I kind of throw that in there to see who would pick it up. Strictly however we can use the OT to help us understand the NT. Secondly I don’t agree that turning the other cheek refers to bodily harm but to reference to being easily offended. Then there is also righteous indignation. However, have you read the First Book of Dick and the second and third book of Dick. But don’t feel bad as my own wife hasn’t read those books either. I kind of get a kick out of seeing people who don’t believe the Bible using it to prove a point.

John Big Booty

Local time
Today, 13:11
Aug 29, 2005

Sweet vengeance, John, sweet vengeance!!! In the words of the fat man how sweet it is.

It is also said to be "a Dish Best Served Cold", and Food handling procedures state that unless handled properly, cold dishes posse a heightened risk of bacterial contamination :eek: so be careful how you indulge yourself there Dick ;)


Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 23:11
Jun 9, 2009
It is also said to be "a Dish Best Served Cold", and Food handling procedures state that unless handled properly, cold dishes posse a heightened risk of bacterial contamination :eek: so be careful how you indulge yourself there Dick ;)

I don't think I get the full gest of your message but it may be my fault. I have a bad habit if thinking in USA lingo. Did you know who I was referring to when I said “Fat Man”
Ps. I don’t think I have ever heard that quote about best served cold, is that a Aussie quote. It sounds like Shakespeare but I am not up on the Bard.


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