Gun laws do they work (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:04
Feb 22, 2002
There was a joke on TV the other day. Sadly, it's not really a joke.

The only time when the life expectancy of an American is longer than that of the British is when the US and British military are on joint military manoeuvres.

It's a reference to the dozens of British soldiers killed by trigger happy Americans who shoot anything that moves in Afghanistan.

A good laugh isn't it. It's good practice for when there is a frightened intruder in your house, then you can kill him or her with experience of killing your allies in war.

What does taking a life mean? You can kill with no feelings, you see someone dead in front of you that you killed and you can smile with satisfaction.



Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:04
Feb 22, 2002
Seems easily manipulated, but obviously there are plenty of deaths by guns in the entire US. We're not exactly a small country.

Actually, it must be difficult to know what's happening in the USA. The size in square kilometres is about 400,000 smaller than the whole of Europe in area, which in area is sod-all really.
So that means that for someone on the east coast to know what goes on on the west or south is like someone in Scotland knowing what goes on in Italy or turkey. In other words, no idea really.

Actually, if all the people in the world were allowed 4sq ft of space, the whole 7 billion people could fit in Connecticut with space to spare, and Connecticut is not a big state.

Sort of brings it into perspective a bit.



Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:04
Feb 22, 2002
I wonder what happened to Dick. He went all funny when religion was mentioned and that was that.

Maybe he's gone off to practice gun shooting and work out how to align it with religious beliefs.



Local time
Today, 03:04
Jun 2, 2003
I wonder what happened to Dick. He went all funny when religion was mentioned and that was that.

Maybe he's gone off to practice gun shooting and work out how to align it with religious beliefs.


He will need to realign his sights a little.



VIP From a land downunder
Local time
Today, 12:04
Jan 5, 2009
All Americans should be give high powered automatic rifles with lots of ammunition.

It would be better TV viewing than Mad Max and the Hunger Games put together.

Or we could send them over to North Korea, where they could have a real fun time showing how tough they are.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:04
Feb 22, 2002
Here's a question for all you pseudo-machismo gunslinging Americans.

If you have an intruder in your house or garden and you shoot them dead. Will you be prosecuted for murder or manslaughter?
Or if you wound them, can you be done for wounding with intent?

Or do the police ignore all that and let you off scot free.

I ask because a few years ago a farmer shot and killed a burglar, the farmer was prosecuted and jailed for murder.



Nothing In Moderation
Local time
, 20:04
Oct 22, 2009
Everyone wonders what it is about Americans an Baseball? Well, it is the Baseball bat of course! Why did that Farmer use a gun? That just showed he was not "normal". (See Image of Stats)



Nothing In Moderation
Local time
, 20:04
Oct 22, 2009
It is really true - government agencies here did buy that much ammo to prepare for new domestic security. It is making mainstream news now:

Canada story? There goes the productivity. I am selling my Canadian mining stock before profits is all used up to order Domonio's Pizza! LOL


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:04
Feb 22, 2002
Interesting that no Americans have answered my question, obviously they have no idea how they stand in law after shooting / killing someone. No surprise there, what is it they say?

Shoot first ask questions later.

Isn't that the motto of the USA? I think it is written on the Statue of Liberty.(which is French by the way)

Larson claims to know everything, I wonder if he knows, maybe I'll write to him and ask.



Nothing In Moderation
Local time
, 20:04
Oct 22, 2009
I truly don't get your statement or the Statue of Liberty motto thing? Is this a type of Brit's Dry Humor? Guess my education by Black Adder series failed me there.

Outside Hollywood fiction, we are in fact a country of law and hold a very high respect for justice. That is why we had a Revolution. In our past. The occupying country here demonstrated that they had zero respect for individual rights including "life". Civilized people here from many cultures did the right thing. Since then, we actually have not had too many people pack up and leave.

I have sat on more than one jury trial. Being on a jury is something we American Citizens have a right to do. It is not only a right, it is one of our few obligations as citizens. We don't leave important issues such as Rights and "right and wrong" up to Solicitors (Lawyers), political lawmakers, or a mob with an agenda. Jury Duty is another one of those Rights that make us unique and the defender of personal freedoms. A Juror can over-rule our lawmakers and even our Supreme Court. We take our investigations, trials, and punishments very seriously. We pride ourselves on not being a juror with an agenda or a juror with our minds made up in advance for a situation.

The Statue of Liberty is a universal symbol of individual freedom. Originally conceived as an emblem of the friendship between the people of France and the U.S. and a sign of their mutual desire for liberty. The Statue has become much more since then. It is the Mother of Exiles, greeting millions of oppressed immigrants and embodying hope and opportunity for those seeking a better life. Many immigrants (including those from the Iles) were horribly oppressed and came here for liberty. We welcomed your oppressed and grant them the same rights we defend, enjoy and cherish. Liberty stirs the desire for freedom in people all over the world. It represents the United States itself.

So, for my dry pun to react to your statement of the Statue of Liberty - I am really sorry that you don't see the Light. Would making it bigger help?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:04
Feb 22, 2002
Thanks for the reply Rx. It's nice that you seem to believe what you write. The propaganda machine is doing its job.

It didn't answer my question though.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:04
Jan 20, 2009
Jury Duty is another one of those Rights that make us unique and the defender of personal freedoms.

Hardly unique. We also have jury duty in Australia and many other countries.

The presumption of its uniqueness is more a reflection of the ignorance of Americans of anything outside their own country.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:04
Apr 15, 2010
Why is it when gun laws come up in the states, theres always some yahoo going on about "if the govt get out of line" type stuff? Is that not what elections are for? maybe someone should tell these people!

I have sat on more than one jury trial. Being on a jury is something we American Citizens have a right to do. It is not only a right, it is one of our few obligations as citizens. We don't leave important issues such as Rights and "right and wrong" up to Solicitors (Lawyers), political lawmakers, or a mob with an agenda. Jury Duty is another one of those Rights that make us unique and the defender of personal freedoms.

this made me laugh! As galaxiom has said, its not unique at all, all criminal trials in Scotland (or in the majority of cases) are trial by jury. Very few are heard by judges only, I can only think of appeal hearings that are solely heard by Judges!
The exception being the trial of Abdelbasset al-Megrahi which was for obvious reasons.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
, 22:04
Dec 26, 2002
Hardly unique. We also have jury duty in Australia and many other countries.

The presumption of its uniqueness is more a reflection of the ignorance of Americans of anything outside their own country.

And this generalization of Americans is a reflection of the ignorance of non-Americans of anything actually American. ;)

I disagree on the the comments about jury duty. We the people hardly have the power we used to have. Judges are over-reaching their powers more and more often and politicians are signing executive orders. The people have lost much of the power they once had in America. The banks and corporations are certainly seeing to that.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:04
Feb 22, 2002
Although my original question was ignored, I'll try to rephrase it in the hope of a reply.

Ok, average American family, watching TV in the evening, wife and kids eating burgers and drinking coke, husband polishing his 9mm handgun pretending to shoot like Clint Eastwood.
A noise is heard in the kitchen, our man Clint leaps to action, goes to the kitchen. Hiding behind the bedroom sized fridge heaving under the weight of fast fatridden food is an intruder. Our man Clint aims and shoots her between the eyes, she dies instantly, unarmed.

Scenario two, exactly the same except, our man Clint is unarmed, the intruders back is turned, our man grabs and squeezes his throat until the intruder is dead. The intruders gun drops to the floor.

Would our man Clint be prosecuted for any of the above? or would it just go down as using reasonable force.



Nothing In Moderation
Local time
, 20:04
Oct 22, 2009
"just go down as using reasonable force?" really? You are asking if we just let things like a death slide here? The answer is: No, it is very serious for everyone.

Hey, side note: what kind of bike is that in your avatar? Do you ride?
I use to ride a BSA Lighting 3 around America. Birmingham (sp) Small Arms. It was very much like the Triumph. Outside the Lucas wiring, it was a real work of engineering art in motion. Remember being stopped at 2AM in Denton County north of Dallas for going in excess of 132 MPH back in 1975. But, I digress when I think about my past British bikes and the adventures.

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