Gun laws do they work (3 Viewers)


Dick S
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jun 9, 2009
The world I want to look at is the world where the young, the old , the frail and yes the blind, are all safe, not just the fit and capable of self defence, but then I believe in people not a mythical being.

I would like that also Brian, but its not going to happen. It never has, never will.

BTW for all the other post that I haven't answered, I am not ignoring them, I just don 't have time to research and leave a good and long post. I am in TX and have a heavy load for the next couple of weeks. On top of that so many restaurants, and so few meals!


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:07
Feb 11, 2013
The world I want to look at is the world where the young, the old , the frail and yes the blind, are all safe, not just the fit and capable of self defence, but then I believe in people not a mythical being.


What you believe in is a pie in the sky where all is well and safe. Look around the world and get a dose of Reality...Your pie in the sky is not going to happen.

I really do wish you could be right but it would be impossible?



Dick S
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jun 9, 2009
Now Dick lets take your points

1The right under your constitution as I read it is as part of a regulated militia.
and I see that you put your right to own a gun, which you have never used in anger, ahead of a child's life. Is that a Christian response?
2How may times have you used or even brandished your weapon?
3 Oh dear, you would have been a lot better off losing the War of Independence
4 Whose kidding who?
5 Well the idea is to control all guns, it wont happen , the real bad guys will always find away, but then they wont be interested in you. Remind me again how many times have you needed you gun?
6 .
I can't help feeling that this is not what you meant to write but I wont be presumptuous and suggest an alternative.


Regulated militia:
Brian, you little Brian you. That’s what the anti-guns in our country try and use. Being I had one little course in high school on law, and one little course in college on law it dis-bars me (pun intended) from being a constitution lawyer. I leave it up to the experts, and they say it is not talking about the regulated militia having guns, but that we all can. The experts, of course, are those that agree with me. Before anybody jumps on that, I am well aware that some so called lawyers don’t agree with our well trained, well educated, well focus legal experts.

Which you have never used in anger:
I am sure there is a nuance there but I will have to plead ignorance.

Child’s life:
Quite contra, I would use my heat to protect any child, anywhere, before my own life.

Is that a Christian response?:
Chapter and Verse: I don’t think you want to go there Brian. I could be wrong, and I don’t want to brag, but I think you are out classed.

You lost me on number 3 also. I think the problem might be that Brit nuance, and Yank nuance are a little different, of course we can’t rule out my stupidity.

Ok you got me on number 6. I am going to blame it on my spell checker. It doesn’t correct what I want it to mean, it only correct to, to, to well you k now?


Local time
Today, 07:07
Jun 2, 2003
You disappoint me Dick as you twisted the questions you did attempt to answer, or pleaded lack of understanding, and totally ignored the simple question 2.

focused lawyers = those with their own agenda

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I agree that this is a modern lawyer's gift, but surely any intelligent person can see what was intended. Further if read without that intelligent understanding then there should be no gun control whatsoever.



Local time
Today, 07:07
Jun 2, 2003
What I wish for may be pie in the sky and unachievable but I was taught to aim high so that failure left you with some success.



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 02:07
Oct 17, 2012
Point the First:

Podcast by a friend of mine:

Point the Second:


Dick S
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jun 9, 2009
Point the First:

Podcast by a friend of mine:

Point the Second:
Ok, I'll join the discussion. I have chilled out. I am not angry, in fact never have been. I acknowledge that some fraction of the American do not want to take away all guns but tl make it harder, for nut jobs. Educated me how do we take guns away from just the nut jobs, and not law abiding citizens, Does anybody deny that there are some fraction of the population in America that indeed do want to take away all guns. Balls in your court.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:07
Feb 11, 2013


Dick S
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jun 9, 2009
Me thinks thou doth Over think the Situation.

I admit I am not too bright, and you and I think with a different ideology, but how did Blade by any stretch of the imagination over think the situation. Straight facts. A gun without bullets, is a club.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 07:07
Aug 12, 2014
I admit I am not too bright, and you and I think with a different ideology, but how did Blade by any stretch of the imagination over think the situation. Straight facts. A gun without bullets, is a club.

You both over think the situation via claiming we want to take away your guns. When our intentions is to stop people being inconsiderate and dangerous with them.

A club is just one of the weapons of choice over here for law inforcement (It's called a baton) :cool:

The gun could also be a ranged weapon if it was thrown! Definitely would cause a bump. :D


Dick S
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jun 9, 2009
You both over think the situation via claiming we want to take away your guns. When our intentions is to stop people being inconsiderate and dangerous with them.

A club is just one of the weapons of choice over here for law inforcement (It's called a baton) :cool:

The gun could also be a ranged weapon if it was thrown! Definitely would cause a bump. :D

My friend,
I commend you for wanting less accidental deaths. I commend you for having concern for people in another country. I certainly need to heed your example in my own life. I also want to see less accidental deaths. I challenge you, however, to find one post from me that I accused you or anyone else on this forum of wanting to remove access to all guns, but surly, but surely, you have to admit there are many people in the world, (US my concern) that want exactly that. That is what Blade and I are concern with. "And Surely" you know that with many (yea all things) that the old saying that when the camel gets is nose in the tent the tail is now far behind. That is why Blade and I, an many others on this forum (who are smart enough to stay out of the mix) are very concerned when we see a restriction that looks wonderful on the outside, but full of dead men's bones on the inside.


Registered User
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jun 9, 2004
'...make our society safer...' - is that proper english? 'safer' is an adjective, isn't it?


Local time
Today, 07:07
Jun 2, 2003
Come on Ken , who do you think you are? Col?
I'm not sure that its use above is incorrect.



Registered User
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jun 9, 2004
Has anything new popped up in the last 2000 posts in this thread, I need to stay sharp with my current events...


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 07:07
Aug 12, 2014
My friend,
I commend you for wanting less accidental deaths. I commend you for having concern for people in another country. I certainly need to heed your example in my own life. I also want to see less accidental deaths. I challenge you, however, to find one post from me that I accused you or anyone else on this forum of wanting to remove access to all guns, but surly, but surely, you have to admit there are many people in the world, (US my concern) that want exactly that. That is what Blade and I are concern with. "And Surely" you know that with many (yea all things) that the old saying that when the camel gets is nose in the tent the tail is now far behind. That is why Blade and I, an many others on this forum (who are smart enough to stay out of the mix) are very concerned when we see a restriction that looks wonderful on the outside, but full of dead men's bones on the inside.

To be fair, it's Blade more than you that is accusing that guns will be taken away. In my mind taking them away was never the final goal. Feel free to have them, but it could bring you no harm (even less harm) to have stricter laws on guns via the way they are obtained and the way they are stored (kept safe).

I totally agree with you, there are many people who would if possible remove all guns because they think it would bring a better world. But taking guns away from people would prove near impossible due to the fact over the pond everybody has them. Taking guns away from people via the use of guns would only end in tears (blood). But surely being more careful and making sure it is stored correctly and obtained via legal procedures can't hurt anybody?

I don't know what it is like living with a gun, I have owned an air rifle once but surely isn't the same thing. So my points of view are coming from a source where not many guns are present. Which may of course taint the pond a little, but could you please explain to me how reducing accidental deaths via safer storage and being more careful can be a bad thing? I also wouldn't be opposed to Law enforced checks to see if the weapon is legal or not. (Taking the guns away from the bad guys).

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