Cyberbullying VS Light-Hearted Prank

Example: I am in a car accident. It was clearly my fault, I accidentally ran a stop sign. The driver of the other vehicle steps out of his car and falls to the ground. He has a heart attack from a pre-existing heart condition unknown to him, and dies. Am I now responsible for his death because the car accident scared him? I obviously didn't intend on killing him.

You obviously don't watch enough Judge Judy :p

You may find this interesting. It doesn't cover criminal liability but it does address what you are talking about.
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I agree with Rainlover on most of his points. You are not responsible for pre-existing conditions.

Example: I am in a car accident. It was clearly my fault, I accidentally ran a stop sign. The driver of the other vehicle steps out of his car and falls to the ground. He has a heart attack from a pre-existing heart condition unknown to him, and dies. Am I now responsible for his death because the car accident scared him? I obviously didn't intend on killing him.

And yes, the media definitely caused enough of a stir, much more than the DJs did, over her transferring the call. Why not place more blame on them? If it wasn't "gossip," which it really shouldn't haven't been anyway, she would likely still be alive.

At long last.

Someone can actually see the wood from the trees.

There is a God out there somewhere. :banghead:
Talking of the media. Post 4 on the thread ...

Nothing to with with loads of media coverage and people on social media and newspaper forums saying she should be sacked then?
Talking of the media. Post 4 on the thread ...

The thread has been repeating itself from day 1 , basically because there are people who cannot make the connection between the phone call and the suicide, that is a fact, we can only speculate on what would have happened if there had been no phone call, it was the catalyst for what followed no matter who else might be in some way culpable.

I agree with Rainlover on most of his points. You are not responsible for pre-existing conditions.

Example: I am in a car accident. It was clearly my fault, I accidentally ran a stop sign. The driver of the other vehicle steps out of his car and falls to the ground. He has a heart attack from a pre-existing heart condition unknown to him, and dies. Am I now responsible for his death because the car accident scared him? I obviously didn't intend on killing him.

And yes, the media definitely caused enough of a stir, much more than the DJs did, over her transferring the call. Why not place more blame on them? If it wasn't "gossip," which it really shouldn't haven't been anyway, she would likely still be alive.

You also, by definition , didn't intend to cause the accident but that doesn't absolve you from blame.

Just because others may share some blame does not absolve the DJs , this seems to be a point that escapes Rain and nanscombe

That's all right. I don't particularly give a shit about what you think. The only important opinions are the Coroners, the Police and the CPS and it would appear that the CPS have decided that prosecution of the DJs is not in the public interest.

Bringing charges against Mel Greig and Michael Christian for their "prank" last December would not be in the public interest, the Crown Prosecution Service has concluded.

The nurse who took the call at the King Edward VII hospital later took her own life, triggering an international furore. There was no evidence, however, of manslaughter, the CPS said.


Malcolm McHaffie, deputy head of special crime at the CPS, said: "As is well known, on 4 December 2012, Mel Greig and Michael Christian, both radio presenters in Australia, made a telephone call to the King Edward VII hospital in London, where the Duchess of Cambridge was receiving treatment, in which they pretended to be members of the royal family.

"During the course of the call, private information about the duchess's health was given, in good faith, to Ms Greig and Mr Christian and the call was later played on a radio station in Australia.


He added: "Having carefully reviewed the evidence currently available we have concluded that there is no evidence to support a charge of manslaughter and that although there is some evidence to warrant further investigation of offences under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Communications Act 2003, no further investigation is required because any potential prosecution would not be in the public interest."

Among the issues taken into consideration, the CPS said, was the fact that it would not possible to extradite the radio presenters from Australia in respect of the potential communication offences.

"However misguided," McHaffie added, "the telephone call was intended as a harmless prank. The consequences in this case were very sad. We send our sincere condolences to Jacintha Saldanha's family."

If the phone call hadn't happened and she had still committed suicide in 6 or 12 months time you'd probably never have heard about it.

I wonder how many nurses commit suicides but never make the papers?

They may have started the ball rolling but people die every day.
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Thankyou for finally admitting that it was their fault.

If you don't care what people think why do you post on the forum?

They may have started the ball rolling but I'm not blaming them for her suicide, that is for the Coroner to decide after he has investigated the other suicide notes citing the Hospital and her colleagues.

Why do I post on the Forum? Because I can.

As I've said before, neither of opinions is worth a can of beans as we have no bearing on the outcome.

The only important opinions are the Coroners, the Police and the CPS and it would appear that the CPS have decided that prosecution of the DJs is not in the public interest.
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Anyway, who is to say that having an argument on the Internet might not cause someone to suffer a heart attack or a stroke?

Should we stop debating?
Hospital: Hello Good morning.
Mel Greig, pretending to be the Queen: Oh Hello there, could I please speak to Kate, my granddaughter?
Hospital: Oh yes, just hold on a moment
Michael Christian: Are they putting us through?

The bit in bold is the sum total of what the dead nurse said. The rest of the conversation was between another nurse, who is still alive, and the pranksters.

Just how is that short, unmemorable conversation supposed to make you suicidal?

It would be more likely to be caused by having your conversation repeatedly splashed over the News and media.

An interesting poit of view.

So why am I getting hammered for having a similar view but expressed differently.
That's all right. I don't particularly give a shit about what you think. The only important opinions are the Coroners, the Police and the CPS and it would appear that


I believe Nigel said he did not care what YOU think.

He did not mention anyone else.

The comment was aimed directly at you.


I can't get rid of the Quote appearing twice. It must be because Brian is giving me a hard time.
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An interesting poit of view.

So why am I getting hammered for having a similar view but expressed differently.

Where did the quote come from?
However it omits a major point, how did the media get the story, oh I remember the radio station broadcast it.



I believe Nigel said he did not care what YOU think.

He did not mention anyone else.

The comment was aimed directly at you.


I can't get rid of the Quote appearing twice. It must be because Brian is giving me a hard time.

I presume that's because I disagree with him.

That's all right. I don't particularly give a shit about what you think.

Sounds like the equivalent to sticking your fingers into your ears and singing "lalala"

They may have started the ball rolling but people die every day.

You've just crystallized your total disregard for cause and effect which is why you're not bothering to examine either the DJ's or the radio station's behavior.

The DJ's may have gotten away with it on a criminal basis because of lack of intent, mitigating circumstances, inability to extradite etc etc BUT your approach refuses any lessons to be learned at all.

Even the radio station assessed itself by ordering a review of all it's processes.

You see this is the difference in some people. Some don't need a coroner or judge to spoon-feed them social skills. They have the ability to assess what may come about from their actions and adjust their behavior accordingly.
That's all right. I don't particularly give a shit about what you think.
Sounds like the equivalent to sticking your fingers into your ears and singing "lalala"

It does, doesn't it. Now let's try that again with a bit of context.

You also, by definition , didn't intend to cause the accident but that doesn't absolve you from blame.

Just because others may share some blame does not absolve the DJs , this seems to be a point that escapes Rain and nanscombe

That's all right. I don't particularly give a shit about what you think.

I don't give a shit because I too am entitled to an opinion, although I'll wait for some established facts before I start blaming anyone. However they won't be available until after the inquest resumes on 26th March (2013).

You've just crystallized your total disregard for cause and effect which is why you're not bothering to examine either the DJ's or the radio station's behavior.

They may have started the ball rolling but I'm not blaming them for her suicide, that is for the Coroner to decide after he has investigated the other suicide notes citing the Hospital and her colleagues.

The Coroner probably has a list of other potential suspects to investigate given her three suicide notes citing different people.

The DJ's may have gotten away with it on a criminal basis because of lack of intent, mitigating circumstances, inability to extradite etc etc BUT your approach refuses any lessons to be learned at all.
Since the Coroner has not returned a verdict they're not necessarily out of the woods yet as far as moral blame is concerned.

You see this is the difference in some people. Some don't need a coroner or judge to spoon-feed them social skills. They have the ability to assess what may come about from their actions and adjust their behavior accordingly.

Some might be better off with a dictionary so they can tell the difference between a paediatrician and a paedophile.

Then there are various comments we see quoted from the Daily Mail every now and then, not a very nice newspaper for the benefit of our international participants, who would probably have been one of the first tabloids to post the results of the scam as celebrity gossip if it had paid off.
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If you won't talk about it why raise it in the first place.

Were you looking for sympathy or was it just BS

You really are a class act!

I raised it because you were labelling Brain as cruel because and he supposedly didnt think of the nurse and her depression problems etc etc

So just to illustrate others/I do know a little about this stuff - and to get you off teh high horse you needlessly climbed onto - I too expressed a bit of knowledge of the subject.

IN the very thread I ackowledeged I knew a bit about depression - from both sides - I said the depression thing was beside the point - as to whether the DJs acted badly or not. It is irrelevent - so I wont talk of it. They treated teh nurse badly irrespective of whether she was depressed or not - or how she may or may not have been treated by others.

I see now - with all your supposed empathy and feeling for the nurse and lack of care of the hospital - you are quite willing to someone who adnits having had depression in the past - to accuse them os saying so just as to seek sympathetc attention.

You undermine you own case time after time. IN ways devoid of logic and frankly any class whatsoever.
Just one correction, it is sheilas not women.
I love it when you put s... on us. You do it with such class.
As a BTW my Grandparents were Pomes and I am a Royalist. Does that make me part Pome.
Do you know the difference between a Plane load of Pomes and the Plane they flew in.
Once the Plane lands and they shut down the engines the engines will stop wining.

Just one correction that I will mention.

The word is "Pom" not "Pome". Unless it has changed recently of course.

Vassago - wasn't there a song back in the distant past by Danny Kaye about trolls? Something like "I'm a troll foll-de-roll".

Just one correction that I will mention.

The word is "Pom" not "Pome". Unless it has changed recently of course.

Vassago - wasn't there a song back in the distant past by Danny Kaye about trolls? Something like "I'm a troll foll-de-roll".


No idea. Although I pride myself on following many media ventures from before I was born, I'm afraid that one may be too far before my time. :D
I think everyone needs to agree to disagree on this one. Truthfully, I don't even think anyone is completely disagreeing. Of course the djs share in some blame. Of course the depression and previous suicide attempt show the nature of the victim as well and that has to share in some blame. Of course the media shares in some blame for blowing the whole thing further out of proportion than it had to be. Of course the hospital even shares in some blame for not having tighter security on patient information (someone just calling should not be told private medical information so easily, especially after being transferred, that's not a single personel issue, that's a full hospital security issue, IMO.)

Truthfully, the biggest culprit here is human nature. If we weren't entertained by morons like these two djs or the media that blew this out of proportion, neither would have happened. I think this is the saddest truth, all in all. Where some find entertainment, others find depression and suicide.

No one thinks about the consequences to other people anymore because of their actions. People share and spread pictures of other people with captions that mock or bully them all the time without even thinking about the fact they are contributing to cyber-bullying. It's the equivilent of someone sharing a picture of someone in high school with a drawing on it making fun of that individual throughout the school, but on a much more global scale. Think about the fallout to that individual from that! Think about how they must feel before you click that share button or forward that email next time! You can stop cyber-bullying at any time by not contributing to the spread of such filth.

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