Guantanamo Bay

I have a touching faith that people on this forum are not as stupid as they sometimes pretend to be.:rolleyes:

Perhap one day......
I'm certain they're not, but if you're waiting for it to change, I wouldn't hold your breath, if I was you ;)
Why are you wasting your time Shane? I may not follow or believe in any religion but that is on todays evidence/happenings not on a facetious argument over what did or did not happen centuries ago.
If you answer these last questions Rich will want to know how high the cross was , how tall the soldier reported to have put his spear in Jesus's side, how long the spear , could he have reached etc etc.


Hey Brian,

I can see where it is a waste of time and I certainly know Rich's M.O. by now to not argue with you about the outcome, so I really don't have an answer for as to why I'm wasting my time, other than I guess I was getting some enjoyment out of it. I rarely get involved in a conversation and mostly just read so this one had a little different feel to it. It appears I might have over stayed my welcome, especially with Rabbie's statement of "let's move on" so I will bow out and let this post go whatever direction it will.

It appears I might have over stayed my welcome, especially with Rabbie's statement of "let's move on" so I will bow out and let this post go whatever direction it will.


I was actually enjoying reading your good-natured posts Shane. I wouldn't overly concern yourself with how other people think you should conduct in discourse. I see no evidence of superiority in their skills of dialogue. :)
I was actually enjoying reading your good-natured posts Shane. I wouldn't overly concern yourself with how other people think you should conduct in discourse. I see no evidence of superiority in their skills of dialogue. :)

Thanks Dan. I received a PM from one the poster to make sure I didn't take what was said wrong. I just figured everyone had heard enough on this subject and it keeps hanging around cause of me, so I figured I would back off of. Thanks for taking the time to say so, though.
Shane I wasn't getting at you in anyway, quite the contrary you were displaying the patience of a saint, but the debate seemed to be going nowhere.

Shane I wasn't getting at you in anyway, quite the contrary you were displaying the patience of a saint, but the debate seemed to be going nowhere.


Brian, take a look at my response to Dan and it fits well with you too. I promise I did not take what you said wrong, I just figured the subject was past boring. You would have to be much more direct than that for me to take something wrong from you, cause your behavior, over the years, has been nothing but a gentleman.
Oh dear, you really haven't got the hang of how these 'debates' work on the forum, have you?:D
Person A: I believe X
Person B: That's incorrect
Person A: I choose to believe it
Person B: Well, you shouldn't
Person A: But I do
Person B: Well, you shouldn't
ad infinitum

If that's your opinion of an interesting conversation then why not keep it to yourself:rolleyes:
However, you could look at the reaction of his disciples and followers, the folks who prepared His body and the Jewish leaders. None of these folks reactions was anything but He's dead.

Mass hysteria perhaps?
Mass hysteria perhaps?

Hey Rich,

I'm sure you have seen the post above so I guess I'll back out for now. Maybe, someday, we will finish this out. Good chatting with ya.
Hey Rich,

I'm sure you have seen the post above so I guess I'll back out for now. Maybe, someday, we will finish this out. Good chatting with ya.

Shame to let the riff raff intercede, but then it's just like being at school when a few disrupts interfere isn't it?;)
I have a friend who had similar feelings about Hitler. Swore up and down that he got out of Germany just before the end. The Allies made up the suicide story just to relieve the war-weary popultations etc etc.
He also claims that Hitler is still alive and living in South America.
It broke my heart to tell him that if Hitler were still alive he would have just celebrated his 110th birthday.
Originally Posted by ShaneMan
Hey Rich,

I'm sure you have seen the post above so I guess I'll back out for now. Maybe, someday, we will finish this out. Good chatting with ya.

Originally Posted by Rich
Shame to let the riff raff intercede, but then it's just like being at school when a few disrupts interfere isn't it?

Heck I feel real guilty of having interrupted a major debate and perhaps spoilt a budding friendship. :(

Originally Posted by ShaneMan

Originally Posted by Rich

Heck I feel real guilty of having interrupted a major debate and perhaps spoilt a budding friendship. :(



It's not like that at all, at least not for me. I felt like the majority of folks who participate on this forum, had heard enough and instead of thinking about me, I wanted to respect the feeling of others. I didn't know if Rich had read the post above his, since he posted back, so I was just pointing out to him, that for now, I was backing out of the conversation. I'm certainly not trying to put anyone on a guilt trip.

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