What's Happening (1 Viewer)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:50
Aug 10, 2006
Hi, I'm the man in question. Got to say I am the happiest man in the world, she is a really, really amazing woman and I can't wait for our wedding day!

You have my word that I will do EVERYTHING in my power to keep her happy and spoil her rotten. She's one in a million!!!

I will hold you to that Jezz. I'm pleased the two of you are happy and hope that every day your love will grow stronger.


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 02:50
Jan 14, 2002
I couldn't be happier right now.

We have finally moved in to our new house today.

It's been a trial of patience.
We had it painted, put some beautiful wood flooring down.... changed out the nasty flourescent lights in the kitchen to some lovely can lights..... installed crown moulding in the living room... tiled the kitchen..... and then we were finally ready to move in.

It's our first night here.

I'm sitting on the pool deck reflecting on my life.

We've had hard times. We were married young and started our family straight away with no regard as to how we would support ourselves, If I had been my my mother, I would have tried to talk some sense into my dear, naive daughter. I would have told her that you just can't live on love and that you have to have a plan.

We had no real plans. We just wanted to be happy. We went through some VERY hard times, but....... I was unpacking some photographs today, while moving into our new house. So many of them made me smile. I placed them around our new bathroom vanity while we proceeded with our move to remind myself of other times. I was surprised and encouraged to see that, even though we had started our life together quite poor, our children always looked happy. It brought joy to my heart to see this. And it made me proud. It made me proud of .... not just the fact that we've made our children a happy life, but that I had children that could be happy in some pretty rough financial times.

One picture, in particular, struck a chord with me. It was when we had bought our first, and only other house, eleven years ago. We both had better jobs than previous years, and my company had given me some financial incentive to relocate. (Not a lot of incentive... Just 2 grand which we used for a down payment on our first home. But that was a LOT of money to us.) We had been renting a 3 BR house for 10 years at this point. We had three children. The oldest girl had a room of her own, due to her status of being the oldest, and her age (13).

She was awarded a room of her own, in lage part, becuase of my own experiences as a young girl. MY family was comprised of 3 girls, VERY close in age, and a baby brother seven years my junior. We girls shared one room whilst the baby had his own private nursery. I was the oldest. I had NO privacy at all and VERY little space to share. At the age of 11, I asked to be moved to the attic, which was the only space available. My request was approved and I spent 2 happy years while my parents were still together, in that unheated but private and personal space. Seriously, it was like I had my own little apartment!!!!

But I digress. My oldest daughter had her own room. My other two children had been sharing a room for the last couple of years but now had the luxury of their own respective spaces. And it was about time too. My middle child, a daughter, was 11 and my youngest, a son, was 10. It was time to split them up and give them some privacy.

One morning, soon after our new move, I went into my middle daughter's room, to wake her up from school. I found my son and daughter in the same bed! They looked so sweet sleeping together. They had shared a room for quite a while.... I thought it was so tender .... I grabbed my camera and went back to take a picture of them sleeping together. As I was focusing, both of them started to stiir and stretch awake. I caught the moment of them both stretching. They looked so alike. They mirrored each other, almost. It's one of my favorite pictures.

So today, my middle daughter, who no longer lives with us, came over to see our new house. That picture was still on my vanity. She asked me, "Do you know why we were in the same bed?" I admitted I did not. She told me, "We shared a room for so long. Even though we were happy to have our own rooms in the new house, we didn't know how to go to sleep without talking to each other. We used to talk until we fell asleep every night. We just weren't used to being alone."

Well, we're pretty much moved in to our new house. The second house we've ever owned and the third house we've ever lived in as a family and I have to say, I couldn't be happier right now.... at this moment...... unless of course I thought about it. :) But no. No... I won't. I won't think about how it could be better. I'll think about how good it is now. and I'll go to sleep thinking about how much better it was then than I thought it was too.


Local time
Today, 07:50
Jun 2, 2003
Tess, many moons ago you wrote that you had difficulty expressing yourself in arguments on the forum, that obviously does not apply when talking about things you love, that was one of the best posts I've ever read, I hope that you continue to be as happy as you are now.



Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 02:50
Jan 14, 2002
Tess, many moons ago you wrote that you had difficulty expressing yourself in arguments on the forum, that obviously does not apply when talking about things you love, that was one of the best posts I've ever read, I hope that you continue to be as happy as you are now.


Thank you, Brian.
You are one of the kindest people I know.
I'm really glad you enjoyed the post.
Perhaps the reason I can write so well about the things I love is that those feelings are more mature than the feelings I have about certain topics of arguments. The things I hold nearest to my heart have to do with my family They are the center of my world. Of course I can express myself fluently in this area because I spend a lot of time dwelling upon them. I am an expert in loving my family. I am NOT an expert in arguing. (My husband may disagree! lol)

But most of the things that are argued here in the forum, I have spent precious little time thinking about. I have opinions. Just not particularly educated ones. So, I'll leave world politics in the hands of people who know more than I. I suppose I am a simple person. And maybe I am selfish, but the things I hold dear are in this order of importance.

My family
My friends
My community
My nation
My world

See how it radiates from me?

LOL.... I used to joke to my husband about this. I would say, "I can prove to you that the world revolves around me." And then I would stand up, turn in a complete circle and say, "See? I just did a 360 and everything I saw was around me. I am the center. I am the center of the universe."

I joke, but it is true. The things that are most imporatant to me are the things that are closest to me. I don't make excuses for this. And sometimes I am shamed to say that things that happen outside "my world", although they will most definitely have some impact on the things I hold most dear, if they are not immediately threatening , I give little thought to it. This is not to say I give NO thought to it. I just don't dwell upon it. I think I have less and less impact upon issues the further they radiate out from me.

I think I'm rambling. See how these thoughts are just thoughts? :) And I have no idea if I'm adequately expressing them. But ask me about my children and family and every time, you'll hear my heart.


Local time
Today, 07:50
Jun 2, 2003
But most of the things that are argued here in the forum, I have spent precious little time thinking about. I have opinions. Just not particularly educated ones. So, I'll leave world politics in the hands of people who know more than I. I suppose I am a simple person. And maybe I am selfish, but the things I hold dear are in this order of importance.

My family
My friends
My community
My nation
My world


I think that you are just being honest and saying how most of us are.

As for not having educated opinions I had a colleague, Geoff, who loved to argue, one day that black was white, the next that white was black. His mantra was " never let facts get in the way of a good argument". I often think that Rich and Col have a bit of Geoff in them. He was great fun.



Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 02:50
Dec 26, 2002
That truly is a wonderful post Tess... I felt like I was reading a autobiography. :)

Have you thought about writing one? :p


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 02:50
Jan 14, 2002
Actually, I have been interested in writing for most of my life.
And from time to time, I have thought about putting some memories down on paper (or into bytes) but for the most part, I've just not put aside the time.
I should though. For my kids.

:) Thanks for the encouragement.
I'm really glad you enjoyed it!


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 02:50
Jan 14, 2002
Oh heck no! I sell that stuff to select magazines!

Hayley Baxter

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:50
Dec 11, 2001
Hey Guys,

Thought I'd share some more good news with you all, I've just been offered the Managers position in our department after my boss handed her notice in. I am doing it on a temporary basis for now but if I want it on a permanent basis, it looks as though I am on the move back to Edinburgh. Lots to think about but looks like an excellent opportunity.



Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 02:50
Dec 26, 2002
Hey Guys,

Thought I'd share some more good news with you all, I've just been offered the Managers position in our department after my boss handed her notice in. I am doing it on a temporary basis for now but if I want it on a permanent basis, it looks as though I am on the move back to Edinburgh. Lots to think about but looks like an excellent opportunity.


Very good to hear! Congrats! :D


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:50
Aug 26, 2008
Hey Guys,

I am on the move back to Edinburgh. Lots to think about but looks like an excellent opportunity.

Don't forget to pac a mac. :p
Well done by the way, pity you'll miss the English league though:cool:

Hayley Baxter

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:50
Dec 11, 2001
Don't forget to pac a mac. :p
Well done by the way, pity you'll miss the English league though:cool:

Back to my beloved Gers though Richey :D:D The way Ipswich are playing at the moment I'm probably doing my other half a favour, besides he always said he wanted to explore the scottish grounds.

Going to see Gers in a double header against Aberdeen and Sevilla in the CL next week...can't wait!!

Some Manchester derby at the weekend as well huh, a scotsman bagging two goals for you too :cool:


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