David Crake – very sad news (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 09:04
Sep 28, 1999
Is it with great sadness and regret that I announce that David Crake passed away last Friday, at the age of 55. He was a long-standing member of these forums and an Administrator too, helping members with his intelligent posts and doing much behind the scenes work. Without his input these forums would be a lesser version than they are today.

My condolences go to his family and relatives.

I checked his last activity on the forums and it was 9:58pm last Friday, shortly before his death. He was doing what he loved right up until he passed away. David joined on the 6th of August 2005. He has made over 8,500 posts during this time, which is over 4 posts per day. Long may his contribution live on in this community, even though he is sadly no longer with us. He will be greatly missed.

May he rest in peace.
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That's totally unexpected and I'm so sorry for his family and friends. I have enjoyed his postings.

Here's one to David Crake.
Sad news indeed.
That is sad to hear and I am also am so sorry for his family and friends. In the short time I have been a memeber on here David as helped me quite a few times with which I am very thankful....
It was a shock to get the notification. I think I'm still numb a bit from that. I pray for his family and friends that they might be comforted at this tragic time.
I am totally stunned, he was such an active member of the forum prepared to go that extra distance to help. He will be sorely missed.
My condolences and thoughts are with his family and friends.

What sad news this is.

My prayers goe to his family and friends, he will be very missed in this Forum and by those who knew him.

A very sad day.
It was only 2 or 3 days before that I was helping David with Pivot Tables in Excel... I am totally shocked. Indeed it is sad news. My condolences to his family and to his friends in this forum.
I have a lot of respect for David and his contributions. He will be greatly missed.

My condolences to David's family and friends.
I never had the good fortune to be helped by David in any of my posts, but that isn't to say I didn't learn anything from him. I remember seeing his name pop up many times while searching the site for solutions to problems. As i recall his advice was usually straight forward, and he seemed to be a proponent of letting people learn for themselves when the situation called for it. On several threads I remember he pointed people in the right direction without full disclosure.

“Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow.”
- Abraham Lincoln

In this forum, it would seem David planted quite a garden. He was extremely giving of his time and efforts. His contributions will be missed.

Thank you to all those professionals like David who give so freely their time. In this forum I have found a wealth of information from experts like David. When you lose such an active member of the Forum community, as a person in my position, it makes you sit back and really be thankful for all the Access Gurus on this form.

I pray for David’s family and friends, may they find comfort in the celebration of his life.
What a shock. David was certainly a valuable member of this site, and his contributions will be missed. His family and friends are in our prayers.
I am shocked and saddened to hear the news. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
Tragic news
I do hope that it was a peaceful end ...
and that his family get comfort from all those who express their thoughts at this time

I think that David's daughter may log in to the forum at some stage and I'm sure his family would be pleased to know that he was appreciated and well thought of.

I live quite close to his home and he has been enormously helpful with my projects. We had been working together on a database project that I have been developing for a long time; I did the grunt work and he supplied the touches of genius.

Some of the stuff that we do in our daily work routine is a little quirky. We work in dozens ( dozens Steve? You know it's the 21st century don't you?? ) and sometimes need negative numbers ( negative consumption Steve, any other weird and wonderful things I need to know about? ) but every time I threw him a curve-ball he just shook his head and found a way of getting the job done.

I pulled him up a few times over spelling mistakes and typos and he said 'that's the dyslexia' in a fairly frank and conversational way. It struck me that he must be a very determined guy to produce the quality of work that he did with that to overcome. A clever guy too; I will miss him very much.

The project is unfinished and will probably remain that way. I'm with Bob at the moment, kind of blown away that a 55 year old guy can go to bed and not wake up in the morning.
I am so sorry. My sincere condolences to his family.

I know what a contribution he made to this forum. He will be sadly missed.

[Edit - just look at his thanks count - 164, as of this moment 5/5/11]
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Thanks for delivering the news, Steve. Has has contributed a wealth of knowledge and volunteer work on this forum. He was also a stand up guy who never seemed to let the emotions of the internet affect him. He will surely be missed.

That's awful news. What a shock! He was a big help to a lot of people, I for one will miss him
Oh no, what sad news. My condolences to his family and friends. He had helped me many a time. May he rest in peace.
David managed to never be anything other than helpful, knowledgeable , open and willing. Thanks for your work mate , and thanks for the way you went about it.


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